A Sweet And Juicy Salmon Sandwich


By Kerry Shelby


Salmon is a very versatile fish.  Not only does it pair with with sweet, salty, pungent and even creamy flavors, it also lends itself to grilling, roasting baking or poaching.  Combine those features with its abundance of omega-3 fatty acids, those essential nutrients of human health and it’s delicious taste and you have a near-perfect food.

I’ve voiced my opinion before that it is critically important to know the source of your salmon and all other fish, for that matter.  Sustainability and healthy farming must be supported while we avoid markets and farmers that refuse to honor these common- sense guidelines.  Avoid generalizations, however, that farmed-this or farmed-that is good or bad.  Instead, buy from markets that know their suppliers and can educate you about them.  Some farmed salmon, like Alaskan farms, are reliable sources while farmed salmon from Chile and Norway are not.

I was flipping through a food email blast recently and saw an article about a jazzy Croque Monsieur from Eric Ripert, the renowned chef at Le Bernardin in New York, that featured salmon and caviar.  Now I like to riff on a theme as well as anybody, but while this sandwich looked delicious, I saw little resemblance to the humble ham and cheese classic.  What did catch my eye was his garnish: alternating squares of salmon, cucumber and apples.  Why not make that the sandwich?  See what you think!

Salmon Sandwiches with Apple, Cucumber and Dill Mayonnaise

Cut the crusts from four slices if thin white sandwich bread and lightly toast the slices.

Mix 2 tablespoons good mayonnaise with 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh dill and the juice from half a lemon. Mix well.

Thinly slice half of a small cucumber (you can peel it if you wish, but if sliced thin enough, it doesn’t need it).  Sprinkle with salt.

On a small baking sheet, spread a layer of salt over an area just large enough to accommodate two small skin-on salmon fillets (about 1/3 pound each).  In a 425 degree oven, roast the salmon until golden on the outside and mostly firm to the touch.    Slide a thin spatula between the skin and flesh and like off the flesh, leaving the salt-encrusted skin behind.  Set aside.

Just before serving, thinly slice half of a Fuji or other medium-sweet onion.  To serve, slather 2 pieces of toast with the dill mayonnaise. Place 2 or 3 slices of apple on each, add 4 slices of cucumber and the salmon.  Top with some small arugula leaves and the top toast, also covered with mayonnaise.  Serve with assorted vegetable chips (like Terra) and seedless red grapes.

Makes 2 sandwiches.     Wine pairing champagne if brunch, Pinot Grigio if lunch

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