Historically, the Speaker of the House of Representatives followed the unwritten law that partisan politics ends “at the water’s edge”. This meant foreign policy and international issues required public unity and Presidential support to protect national interests.



Similarly, American and foreign presidents and prime ministers, especially close allies, follow courtesy protocols where they don’t visit each other’s country without clearing it with its government and always avoid meddling in each others’ domestic political squabbles. Most citizens, and most definitely Americans, resent, reject and are suspicious of foreign lobbyists. That’s why it’s both surprising and regrettable that two recent and unprecedented violations of these civil norms were committed by Speaker Boehner and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, who is facing an election. In both cases it was an attempt to appease right wing radicals by having the PM come to the US (without coordinating the trip with the administration) to lobby the Congress to oppose the President, the international coalition and those negotiating with Iran. In effect, each is saying: “Look, I’m tough, and I just stuck my thumb in the eye of the President of the United States, which is what you want.” And it is definitely unhelpful to those trying hard to resolve the Iran conflict.



This isn’t Netanyahu’s first use of this ploy. He not so subtly tried to influence the last Presidential election by helping candidate Romney and, when the VP of the United States and staunch supporter of Israel, Joe Biden, flew to Israel for meetings about issues like problematic new settlements, he was welcomed with a surprise announcement by Netanyahu of new settlements in Palestinian territory.



For Boehner and the Tea Party, this attempt at insult was all about the President’s independent actions regarding immigration.


Both Boehner and Netanyahu are consumed with keeping their powerful positions, and less concerned about setting dangerous precedents that harm their country.




Roger C. Kostmayer


Jan. 23, 2015


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