The Big Story

I Blame the People

by Rick Boettger

I have been taking a lot of heat for a shocking opinion I have, and I want to give more people a chance to dump on me. I say, what is wrong with this country is not congress, the president, the 1%, lawbreaking corporations, the Illuminati, the Pope, welfare cheats, the National Debt, illegal aliens, ISIL, ISIS, Al Qaeda, the antichrist or Christmas shopping.

Nope, none of the usual suspects. What in fact is wrong with America is . . . (drum roll) AMERICANS. I say that American voters, by not voting, are screwing themselves and the country, and turning our hard won democracy into a plutocracy.

A plutocracy is a society run by the wealthy. Though I’m pretty well off myself, I don’t agree with the economic policies of the 1% (the “plutocrats”), which are pretty much tax cuts for themselves, no financial regulations, and low wages for workers, primarily by outsourcing.

I prefer the plutocrat Henry Ford’s economic policy: Pay his workers enough so they can afford the cars they themselves build. I, too, believe that I get richer when more people can afford the expensive colleges I’ve taught at or the expensive financial services I provide.

But for the workers to get better jobs and higher wages, they’d have to vote. And they don’t. So for the first time in American history, our famous middle class is going to have it worse off than their parents. and it is all their own fault.

Here is where I take the flack. The one sacred cow in American politics is the unquestioned virtue of the American electorate. If they don’t vote, it’s because of poor candidates, or bad messaging, or nasty ads. But in fact, it is voters who just don’t give a damn. When they did vote, they elected a number of governments that were NOT plutocracies. We got suffrage, unions, honest banks, social security, Medicare and safety in the workplace. Racists feared voter registration in the South so much they murdered civil rights workers in the 1960s. Most recently, we elected an African American President. Twice. When people vote, they can win.

But this year, and in all non-presidential years, most of them don’t. So they will get the government they deserve. I have been chastised for “blaming the victims” of the corporate/1%/Koch-Rove Evil Overlords.

But I am not blaming “victims.” I am calling out those responsible. People who don’t bother to vote for their economic interests deserve the plutocratic society they themselves have, by their apathy, created.

This is actually quite a modern insight: Personal responsibility. It started with the popular philosophy movements in California in the 1970s. It was simple. Don’t blame others, take charge of your life.

This movement has persisted for decades. It infuses many modern religious movements saying, in the extreme, that if you have cancer, it is because you for some reason brought it into your life.

As “blaming the victim” as that sounds, I am going to say it is NOT crazy. The idea of taking personal responsibility for everything that happens to you makes a great deal more functional sense than saying it’s hopeless.

If you see yourself as a victim, you lie down and suffer. If you have what might even be a delusion of control, you try to do something, you act instead of rolling over. Ideally, you vote to maintain a democracy instead of bowing to the plutocracy. You re-create the remarkable middle class paradise America invented but has lost.

OK, non-voting working-class “victims” of the Corporat-ocrocy. Am I a “bigot” who hates you, or am I kicking you in the ass to redeem yourselves?

Neugent update: The Ethics Commission has assigned its most senior investigator to his case.

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