By Morgan Kidwell


Do you know that there are so many places kids can volunteer?  This past Thanksgiving my family and I decided to volunteer at the Salvation Army with my Mom’s friends, Caroline & Paul Cotton.  We got up early that morning and met at the Salvation Army kitchen next to the high school in Key West.  When we got there, there was lots to do.  My brother, Evan, and I were assigned to separating rolls and putting them in bags.  We had to make 60 bags.  Once all of the food was ready we made meals for 60 people.  We then loaded some of them into our car and we delivered them to homes.  I never knew how good it felt helping others.




On Thursday, December 5th the Silverliners had their Fantasy Flight to the North Pole.  600 pre-K kids came to the airport and had lots of fun and activities to do.  They got to pet horses, sloths, they got to learn about dental hygiene and best of all they got to see Santa and eat the delicious food in the restaurant.  That’s where I was volunteering.  I was at the best table the dessert table.  Every year I get to work at the dessert table with my brother Evan our friend Riley and Michael, and trust me it is fun.  At the end of the day I get to see kids with a present in their hands and a smile on their face and I know I did a good job.




And finally on Saturday, December 7th I had to get up at 4:00 in the morning to volunteer at the Key West triathlon by Higgs Beach.  My brother is in the CAP program and we helped them volunteer.  We had to direct the racers to the bike station and when they were done with swimming we would tell them where to mount their bikes.  I was amazed at how fast they were.



All of these events were a lot of fun.  After a hard day of volunteering you will always go home satisfied.

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