16th District Medical Examiner Nominating Committee
Interviews – July 12, 2017
The Interviews for the District 16 Medical Examiner position was held on July 12, 2017 at the Marathon Government Center – BOCC, located at 2798 Overseas Highway, 2nd Floor, Marathon, FL 33050.
The meeting was opened by State Attorney Dennis Ward at 10:079 a.m.
Dr. Stephen Nelson, Carol Welsh, Robert Dean, Chief Kris Digiovanni, Sheriff Rick Ramsay, Patrick McCullah, Michael Osorio, Tony Allen, David Clay, Hal Leftwich, Cynthia Hall, Chief Donald Lee, Robert Lockwood, Val Winter, Mark Wilson, Larry Kahn, Tim O’Hara, Cammi Clark, Dennis Ward, Barbara Stroud, Roy Bogue.
Dr. Markey withdrew his name from consideration this morning.
The first candidate to interview was Dr. Zhiming Li. The interview began at 10:10 a.m.
The second candidate to interview was Dr. Cameron Snider, and his interview began at 11:35 a.m.
The third candidate to interview was Dr. Michael Steckbauer and his interview began at 1:17 p.m.
The final candidate to interview was Dr. Ira Kanfer and his interview was via video conferencing which began at 2:51 p.m.
After the interviews, the committee discussed the pros and cons for each candidate.
Sheriff Ramsey made a motion that we make Dr. Snider our first choice for the ME position and Dr. Steckbauer as our second choice.
Mr. Clay seconded the motion. Dennis Ward asked for a vote on the motion and the motion was carried.
We will submit Dr. Cameron Snider as our first choice and Dr. Michael Steckbauer as our second choice to the Medical Examiner Commission.
The meeting closed at 4:25 p.m.
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